(916) 313-2540

Small Business Cap Fund

DominoFX Group specializes in providing Specialized and Flexible Capital to Underserved Businesses and Communities That Are Often Neglected by Traditional Capital Providers.


The Small Business Capital Fund ("SBCF") is a debt fund managed by one of our amazing partners, Greenline, and capitalized with both New Market Tax Credits related private investment and mission driven capital.

The SBCF seeks to provide capital to impactful, underserved small businesses across the U.S. whose capital needs are often greater than a typical financial institution is able to provide based on the risk profile of the Borrower.

Through its subsidized cost of capital, the SBCF provides flexible and below-market rate subordinate capital, and in certain instances, below-market senior capital to its Borrowers.

Learn More About the Small Business Cap Fund


Additional Information

All Borrowers must be headquartered and have significant operations in a low-income census tract, which is defined as having income of 80% or less of area media income ("AMI") or a poverty rate greater than 20%.

Please check your eligibility via the NMTC Mapping Tool. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to Contact Us.

Capable of generating positive EBITDA at the time of investment.

Be able to create and/or retain jobs through SBCF financing.

Industry agnostic with the exception of businesses involved in mining, fossil fuel extraction, gambling, alcohol, tobacco or marijuana, and farming.

Sponsored and non-sponsored transactions

Additionally, Borrowers will have one or more of the following characteristics:

(1) Minority or women ownership

(2) Beneficial environmental impact

(3) Living-wage jobs

(4) Meaningful employee benefits (Health Insurance, 401(k), Employee Ownership, etc.)

(5) Employee training programs (especially for advancement from unskilled to skilled positions)

(6) Local community hiring preferences

(7) Other measurable and positive social and/or environmental impact


Target Investment Size:

$250,000 to $3,750,000, with larger loan amounts considered on a case-by-case basis

Interest Rates:

Pricing will be below market rate for the corresponding risk profile of the Borrower. Interest rates will vary based on collateral/security, credit and financial strength of Borrower, loan term, etc. Loans are typically interest only during the loan term

Commitment Fees



24 months to 7 years, depending on Borrower needs, risk profile, and terms of financing


Contingent on varying factors (risk profile, existing bank covenants, etc.), but typically an interest only period followed by an amortization schedule


Loans may be secured or unsecured, depending on the financial characteristics of the Borrower and/or its sponsors, and are intended to provide maximum flexibility to the business for future growth and capital needs. Loans may be subordinate to existing or future senior, market-rate financing and will have favorable inter-creditor agreements with flexible default provisions and remedies

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